
Monday, May 23, 2011

Tweeting about your Sex Life TMI?

Dear Cybersorter,
I follow someone on Twitter who, among other things, tweets about her sex life.
She’s very clever and tweets about all sorts of stuff, from politics to sport, but occasionally she will announce that she has just “done it”.
I find them entertaining, but even though they don’t read like TMI (too much information); surely tweeting anything about your sex life is TMI? Should I advise her to stop?

Dear LM,
You should not. If her tweets are not graphic or offensive then it’s not your place to censor her.
Tweets now last only four days before being swept away, so there’s less chance of this coming back to bite her.
However, she should be sure her partner is comfortable with this personal information being released to the wider public, particularly as tweets are time-sensitive.
People she encounters in a professional capacity may know she’s been in bed instead of working, but really, what sort of kill joy would fire a person for that?
One of the reasons you follow her is her funny tweets, so her personality, including a propensity to share personal details, is a draw.
Don’t disapprove; see this as an opportunity to bust out of our sexually repressed past.

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