
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Aunty Dirty Jokes

Dear Cybersorter, My aunt, like many of my older relatives, has recently discovered the joys of emailing. However, she has now taken to spamming me with emails that contain jokes and pictures of questionable content.
I don’t want to block her email completely, but how do I explain to her that she is making me feel uncomfortable and filling up my email account with unwanted junk?

Dear BE,
There can be little as disconcerting as having the olds jump on the internet bandwagon and then graffiti it with filth.
Thank goodness she hasn’t yet infiltrated your Facebook or Twitter friends lists. There are three ways you can solve this.
1) Send her an email. It should begin thus:
Dear Aunty Dirty Jokes,
If I wanted to read bad jokes about pirate’s private parts, I would pick up a tabloid newspaper. I expect better from blood relatives, especially the woman who made me repeat the entire catechism to her when I was seven. Really, Aunt, WWJS (what would Jesus say), not to mention Uncle Brian?
2)I bet you know some filthier jokes. Send all of them to her.
3)I see you use gmail. You can filter her email without blocking it. Next to the “Search the Web” button, click on “Create filter”. Now, you can put Aunty’s dirty emails into a box all of their own (not your inbox). You can also filter emails that carry specific words this way. When you are feeling brave, you can check through subject headers for clean content.

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