
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sick Of Being Sold To

Dear Cybersorter,
I accepted a friend request on Facebook from a vague acquaintance who runs a retail business. All she ever did was ask me to 'like' her business page. She never took part in any discussions or posted anything herself. I 'ignored' the first five 'like' requests but after the sixth I blocked her. I really didn't mind being asked once, but after that I expected her to realise that I'm just not interested.
She really seemed to miss the whole point of Facebook - friendliness, reciprocity, conversation, fun.
However, in case I bump into her, will she know I have blocked her?
Sick of Being Sold To

Dear Sick of Being Sold To,
Blocked and de-friended people are not sent notification that they have been blocked. If you block someone on Facebook (not just de-friend them) then you become invisible to each other. If they search you they will not find you. Instead of saying “Not today thanks” to the double glazing salesperson, you are slamming the door in his face, telling him never to darken it again and erecting a 10 ft wall around your house, especially for him.
When she next sends you a “like” my business page message (in the next 5 mins by the sound of it) it will simply disappear into the Internet ether, never to reach and irritate you.
Since it is clear she is not seeking reciprocity, but is doing the equivalent of trying to strap you down and force you to watch her advertisement repeatedly, she probably won’t realise.
Ignorance is bliss; and a bad way of conducting business.

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