Dear Cybersorter,
A while ago I accepted a Facebook friendship request from a business acquaintance. He is at a lower rung but very enthusiastic. That’s the problem. He is so enthusiastic he posts constant updates about his day.
It got so annoying I defriended him but he found out and re-requested friendship. I ignored his request and he sent another one. I bump into him every now and then in my professional capacity and I can’t bear to be rude so I accepted his friendship request again.
Is there any way I can avoid him online without having to face him offline?
Dear PR,
Your acquaintance is clogging up your newsfeed with spam. Any gratuitous, uncalled for material can be spam, even if we know the spammer and let them in through a crack in the digital door.
You could send him a message explaining you are moving all your professional contacts onto LinkedIn, but I’m guessing your tenacious friend might reject that course of action. He clearly hasn’t taken the defriending hint, twice.
The best course of action is to hide his updates (hover your mouse over the top right corner of one of his updates. Click on X and click “Hide all messages from . . .”). Then you can enjoy Facebook without updates on Mr Enthusiasm’s day of joy and hard work.
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