Dear Cybersorter,
I’m a little disturbed at my siblings’ Facebook updates. My sister’s boyfriend posts messages on her FB page publicly writing “I love you, I love you” and “You’re bleedin deadly” – to which their mutual friends post comments such as “fag” in response. Some of his other comments aren’t printable in such an esteemed publication as this.
It’s not just them. My youngest brother’s updates are often about going to the pub or coming from the pub, there’s only so many times I can “like” his updates before feeling like an enabler.
I seem to have more interaction with them by “likes” and “pokes” than in person these days, but their updates are a bit freaky, what should I do?
– PP
Dear PP,
Compartmentalising your social life on Facebook is as tricky as handling PR for a big married sports personality who has had testosterone shots.
It’s just so much easier to shout “I love you” as you flee the family home after Sunday lunch for the psychological comfort of your own living space, than to read about your brother’s drinking habits or your sister’s sex life and her ardent boyfriend’s homophobic mates.
But – deep breath – we are where we are. Make friends lists and put your siblings on one. Then your senses won’t be assaulted by intimate details about family members every time you log in.
You should block them from your newsfeed, then you won’t upset them by de-friending. You can check in on them every now and then, when you’re feeling strong and/or you’ve drunk enough whiskey to dull the pain.
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