
Monday, June 14, 2010

Falling Foul of Foursquare

Dear Cybersorter,
My husband plays the online game Foursquare, where you compete with others to "check in" online at as many locations as many times as possible. I had a long day with our two children last Friday while he was in work. We were all ill; at lunchtime we agreed he would come home on time to take over. The allotted time came and went. I checked my FB status and there was an update from him, five minutes ago, checking into the pub!
I am furious. How should I proceed?
Furious in Foxrock

Dear Furious,
You are suffering from U.R (understandable rage). Your options are 3 fold. 1) send him furious text messages including a graphic recount of how you gave birth to his children, twice. 2) Go offline completely, read The Surrendered Wife and repress all your wishes and needs in favour of his, and implode. 3.)Don't say a word. The idiot is wide open and you can keep tabs on him at all times. This means you can make him suffer without ever having to tell him why.
He can remove his foursquare feeds from his FB updates but if you can figure out his username (try "plonker1972) you could still track him using Google. That's a step too far. You don't want to get creepy and end up staring on a you tube reality show called "Married Bunny Boilers Island"

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