My boss wants to "friend" me on Facebook. This isn't a person who I want to see my fancy dress holiday snaps and intimate family shots but the professional relationship is too important to reject the request. Now I feel like I can’t be myself on Facebook and have to hold back because my boss can see my daily mutterings with my mates when I am a lot less formal. Would it be dreadful to accept the request and then strike them off? I don't want to have to stop corresponding with my friends on FB. Help!
Dear Professional Person,
You want to come out of this sipping a Mojito with the boss rather than lobbing a Molotov cocktail into your office politics
Check your privacy settings as they may still be open, allowing your boss to see your wall posts without friending you. This means you may view her profile online, should things disintegrate to the point of needing ammunition, but a few simple steps should prevent that. Accepting and then striking might lead to embarrassing recriminations
Instead try: 1) Accept your boss as a friend then segment your friends list, so that only those you choose can see your wall posts. 2) "Ignore" your boss and either have a pleasant conversation with her about how much you like her...but not that much or 3) Set yourself up with professional networking site LinkedIn, which is like a grown-ups-at-work version of Facebook , and invite her to connect with you on that platform.
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